Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Despite the fact that many of us can stay up with regular brushing, flossing, and checkups to preserve our natural smiles for a lifetime, people are living longer than ever, and occasionally our teeth simply can't keep up. Dental implants can improve your smile and oral health if you've lost a tooth (or several teeth) as a result of trauma, tooth decay, or periodontal disease.

A biocompatible medical device, called an implant, is inserted into the jawbone during surgery. Titanium is frequently used in the "root"; it is a metal that pairs well with human bone and is commonly used in many replacement hips and knees. After a healing time of usually 3-6 months, a replacement tooth is attached to the implant. This permanent tooth feel more natural and more sturdy. You won’t even notice it’s there and can brush and floss it like your natural teeth.

Multiple or One Implants

Implants have several uses. One implant and one replacement tooth will suffice if you are just missing one tooth. A permanent bridge can be supported by a few carefully placed implants if you are missing numerous teeth in a row (a set of replacement teeth). Similar to this, a full bridge or full denture can be implanted permanently in your mouth with a calculated number of implants if you have lost all of your teeth.

Post-Treatment Care

Think of your dental implants as being identical to natural teeth. They both need the same number of routine checks and the same amount of daily brushing and flossing. Your replacement teeth will last longer if you take better care of them, just like you do with your original teeth.

Using bone grafts: There are times when the preferred locations for dental implants lack enough bone density to support the implants. In these situations, it is frequently essential to graft bone into the weak area of your mouth. This will enhance the site in terms of density and volume for future implant placement.

Maintenance of Implants: After your dental implant treatment is finished, it's crucial to keep the area spick-and-span and free of infections. Plaque and tartar can build up on dental implants just like they can on teeth. Whether you have multiple implants or simply one to replace a single tooth, regular expert cleaning is required to maintain the health of your implants. Your particular needs will dictate how frequently these professional cleanings should be performed.

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