How to Prevent Gum Disease and Gingivitis

How to Prevent Gum Disease and Gingivitis

How to Prevent Gum Disease and Gingivitis

How to Prevent Gum Disease and Gingivitis

Gingivitis is the early mild form of gum disease characterized by swollen, tender, and bleeding gums. When gingivitis remains untreated, it advances to gum disease or periodontal disease. Gingivitis is the only form of gum disease that dentists can reverse. When it reaches periodontal disease, you can only manage it. 


Gum disease often results from poor oral hygiene. However, other factors may predispose you to develop the condition. Despite the different causes, the best thing you can do for your oral health is to prevent the disease from developing. 


What Are the Symptoms of Gum Disease and Gingivitis?


As the name suggests, gum disease and gingivitis affect the gums or the gingival tissue. The two conditions stem from the gingival tissue developing an infection. When the gum tissue is healthy, it is pale pink, firm, and fits snuggly around the base of your teeth. When gum disease develops, you will notice the following:


  • Your gums swell and become puffy

  • The gums turn from pale pink to dark or dusky red

  • Your gums will bleed easily every time you brush

  • You will have bad breath that does not go away even when you brush

  • Your gums will not fit tightly around your teeth, and they will begin to recede

  • The gum tissue will become very tender


What Causes Gum Disease?


As mentioned earlier, the most common cause of gum disease is poor oral hygiene. It leads to the accumulation of plaque that causes the gingival tissue to become inflamed. How does plaque lead to gum disease?


  • Plaque Forms on Teeth

Plaque is an invisible film that comprises bacteria that form after you consume sugars and starch. The sugars and starch interact with the native bacteria in your mouth to form the sticky film, plaque.


  • Plaque Calcifies


When plaque collects over time on your teeth, it calcifies into tartar. When plaque turns into tartar, it collects more bacteria and cannot be eliminated through brushing. The tartar forms a shield over the bacteria, which then irritates the gums. 


  • Inflammation of Gums


As long as tartar keeps collecting on your teeth, the bacteria continue to irritate the gums. As a result, the gingival tissue becomes inflamed, tender, and turns color. You may also develop tooth decay or cavities. 


How Do You Prevent Gum Disease?


  • Maintain Good Oral Hygiene


Good oral hygiene, according to experts, involves brushing your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes at a time. It would be best if you also flossed at least once to eliminate food particles between your teeth. You can do better by brushing after every meal. Another practice to help improve the result is flossing before you brush. It allows you to brush away the particles removed by flossing.


  • Have Regular Dental Visits


Maintain routine dental visits at least once to twice a year. You may need more frequent visits if you are predisposed to developing gum disease. Smoking, medication side effects, or dry mouth may promote gum disease. Your dentist may perform X-rays occasionally to observe below your gumline.


  • Have a Good Diet


Avoid foods that are high in sugar, which are also not good for your blood sugar.


For more on preventing gum disease and gingivitis, call Clean Smile Dental at (661) 942-1181 to reach our office in Lancaster, California. 

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